This is our family. And here are the most important men in my life and we all have our own page. I am talking ofcourse about the 2 boys only..jason and Joey.

To look at JASON's PAGE

To look at JOEY's PAGE

To look at my page for NEWS/NIEUWS


To see the international schoolproject I'm working in click on THE JOURNEY OF DISCOVERIES This project has become a very important part of my life. Please take the time to see what the children in these 4 countries have created together through the internet. I am so grateful to Teebo for teaching me that all things are possible if you set your mind to it. You have become such a great friend and I can't wait to meet you personally this fall, to Philippe for sharing his visions with me and even though we don't agree on many things you are always patient to explain your visions and take the time to listen to mine..:) we do agree on the most important thing: that children are special no matter what their race, culture or gender. The 2 of you are such amazing people and I thank my lucky star that our paths have crossed. I believe I have become a much better person because of you. And to Noma and his children, thank you for teaching me about your culture in a way I could never learn through books. And most of all a great thank you to the children I have taken with me on the Journey and the children I have met while on the Journey. You have given me the experience of a lifetime and I love you all!

Om het internationale schoolproject te zien waar ik aan mee werk click boven op "Journey of Discovery". Dit project betekent zo veel voor mij. Neem a.u.b. de tijd om het te bekijken. Door dit project heb ik Teebo leren kennen. Een fransman die in London woont en mij heeft geleerd dat alles mogelijk is als je maar in je zelf gelooft. En Philippe die met de kinderen in Frankrijk werkt. Ik geniet van onze diskussies want wij hebben duidelijk andere ideeen :). En dan is er Noma en de kinderen in Afrika. Het is moeilijk in woorden uit te drukken wat een ervaring het is om met kinderen van 4 verschillende landen tegelijkertijd te communiceren en te ontdekken dat ze ondanks verschil in taal, cultuur en ras zo hetzelfde zijn !

Dit is school waar ik werk en die meedoet aan het internet project. This is the school where I work and that is working on the internatioal internet project. Jacksonville's school